Ever had a craving for something salty at the crack of midnight? Crackers must have been the answer to your hunger. Crackers are excellent food around the house because they can be used in many ways!
You can eat crackers with dips or make appetizers if you crave salty food. If you have a sweet tooth, then crumble them and use their crumbs in making desserts and cheesecakes.
They are a great way to satisfy your midnight snack cravings; ensure you always have crackers in your pantry.
However, crackers have the disadvantage of becoming stale quite rapidly. So, what can you do to extend their useful life?
The question is can you freeze crackers? Shortly, No! They are pretty versatile, but improper storage can cause them to lose their flavor, texture, and shape.
Can You Freeze Crackers?
Freezing is indeed an effective means of protecting perishable items like meat and vegetables from going wrong, but it is not suggested to freeze crackers because they are not likely to be affected by the freezing process.
If you put crackers in the freezer, they will lose their crunchiness and become mushy. And let me tell you, soggy crackers have a terrible flavor.

Therefore, you will only be able to achieve your goal if you want the crackers to maintain their crisp quality after being frozen.
The texture of a frozen cracker will be more like cardboard than anything else, which doesn’t sound very tasty.
If they are not correctly stored, salty crackers will acquire a significant amount of unpleasant odor and moisture from the surrounding air.
When it comes to keeping crackers, the freezer is far from being the only choice; instead, there are a great many other possibilities.
Why You Shouldn’t Freeze Crackers
The worst thing you can do to a cracker is to keep it in the fridge. Crakers are named ‘crackers’ because of their crisp texture, so don’t bother making them soggy.
They don’t belong in the freezer at all; there are many reasons why you shouldn’t freeze crackers. Airy crackers have a light and crisp texture from within, but when they get moist, they become cakey instead.

When crackers go inside a freezer, ice crystals form on them, and when thawed, those crystals turn into water, making the crackers go soggy.
Moreover, freezers do not have a stable temperature, and a cracker’s sudden freezing and thawing ruin its original taste and shape.
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How Should Crackers Be Stored for Optimal Freshness?
If crackers are still in their original packaging, they can last for months in a cool and dry place without going bad. Once a box of crackers is opened, and the individual packets are exposed to air, they will begin to deteriorate within weeks.
Here are a few ways to store crackers for optimal freshness.
#1- Ziplock Bag
Everyone has ziplock bags in their houses; they are very much underrated as you can use them to store crackers! They will seal all the freshness, retain the crispiness, and prevent ants or bugs from sneaking in.
The only drawback of storing crackers in a ziplock bag is that they easily get crumbled, as ziplock bags don’t have a definite structure.
#2- Airtight Containers
Airtight containers are the best storage option, hands down! They are ideal for storing every kind of food item.
After opening the original packaging, just transfer all of your crackers into an airtight container, and ensure you properly secure the lid.
It will also protect their shape and structure, and you won’t need to snack on crumbs and broken pieces.
#3- Original Packaging
Nothing can preserve crackers better than the way their original packaging does. If you have ever closely observed their packaging, you must have seen how almost every other brand’s packaging is the same. A thin plastic layer is tightly sealed, and a plastic tray provides structure.
However, plastic packaging cannot keep home pests away, and they may get inside the packet to munch on the crackers.
#4- Mason Jars + Oxygen Absorbers
Mason jars and oxygen absorbers are perfect for keeping your crackers crisp! Nitrogen; is well known for preserving food and retaining freshness oxygen absorbers eliminate oxygen from the mason jars leaving nitrogen behind.
Oxygen absorbers also ensure no mold, bacteria, or pests grow inside your mason jar, as all of these beings need oxygen to survive.
#5- Dry Canning
Ever heard of dry canning before? It is a technical process, but dry, canned crackers stay fresh for years. Dry canning is an old and effective method to store crackers; not everyone can practice it.
The process involves heating dry foods in a jar; heat creates a vacuum, which removes oxygen from the jar, and seals the lid.
Final Verdict:
Crackers are one of those non-perishable foods that can even survive an apocalypse if stored the correct way.
There is a wide range of crackers available in the market, from cheese crackers, graham crackers, saltine crackers, and prawn crackers. The list is long, and they indeed exist to satisfy all kinds of taste buds.
What is your favorite kind? I am sure that from now on, you will not have to munch on soggy or stale ones as you just learned how to store them the correct way! Happy snacking to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long can you keep crackers in the freezer?
Keeping crackers in the freezer for 7-8 months is possible if they are still unopened. Even though opened crackers can be kept in the freezer for 3-4 weeks, they will not taste good at all. It is because freezing crackers is not advisable as it ruins their taste, lightness, and crunch.
Do crackers stay fresh in the fridge?
If you store your crackers in a well-sealed container beforehand and then keep that container in a refrigerator, your crackers will stay fresh.
On the other hand, keeping an opened package inside a fridge will leave you with smelly and soggy crackers. The salt in them absorbs all of the odor and moisture present in the fridge.
Can cheese crackers be frozen?
Yes! You can freeze cheese crackers as the cheese ones contain a lot of fat content compared to saltine ones. Freezing them won’t compromise the original taste and texture.
Cheese crackers can be enjoyed frozen or thawed and reheated in an oven or microwave to revive their freshness.
Can you store crackers in plastic containers?
If your plastic containers are airtight, you can store crackers in plastic containers. Plastic containers are more durable for storing food (as glass containers are very fragile) and come in many shapes and sizes.
It is essential not to use a large container as crackers are likelier to break in an enormous container.