If you are baking cookies for the first time, then it is safe to say that you might find yourself in a lot of confusion, and generally, you would want to be sure that everything goes according to the plan.
But hey, this is one thing that most people end up getting wrong and we are going to take a look at everything you need to know in this post about how to tell if cookies are done. I do understand that it is not the easiest, but we are going to help you get things sorted in no time.
Now, if you have been trying to figure out how to tell if the cookies are done, then simply follow this post, and you are going to be all sorted in no time.
How to Know When Cookies Are Done
Now, when you are trying to figure out how to tell if your cookies are done, then this post is for you because we are going to take a look at just that, and you will not have any issues that might otherwise come in the way.
Let’s have a look at these, shall we?
#1- Performing a physical examination.
Now, the thing that you should understand is that it is not impossible to tell whether the cookies are done or not, but the point that I am trying to make here is that you can always go for a physical examination, and that is going to help you a lot in determining whether the cookies are done or not. This might not work the first time, so don’t worry if it takes a few tries to perfect this.
Another thing that I always suggest to people is that they should always look for the optimal baking time because it is very, very important and something that you should never really overlook.

Therefore, if you are trying to be sure that everything is in order, just go ahead and go for optimal baking time, and you will be good to go. You should bake at 375 degrees F until golden and tender, 12 to 15 minutes.
#3- The edges have a golden brown color.
Another obvious way to tell that your cookies are done is simply by looking at the edges. If the edges have developed a golden-brown color, then there is a high chance that your cookies are done, and you should not have any issues that would come in the way.
So, always be sure that you are looking into this, and you will be good to go.
#4- Sheenless.
Now, this is not something that would always work, but if you inspect the cookies closely and you see that there is no sheen whatsoever on the cookies, then it is safe to say that they are done.
However, it is important to know that this doesn’t always work, so be sure that you are inspecting closely and properly.
#5- Edges are firm.
One more thing that you should keep in mind is that the edges have to be firm and firm to the point that pressing them gently doesn’t result in the cookies completely falling apart.

I can understand how this might be complicated for some to understand, but it is a good way to determine.
#6- The center is soft.
Moving forward, you can always check the doneness of your cookies by simply checking whether or not the center is soft.
The center needs to be just the right amount of soft, wherein it should not be completely cave in on being pressed because if that happens, it might not be completely done. So, it is best if you keep this in mind.
#7- Bend test.
This might not always be the most accurate way of determining whether your cookies are done or not, but you can always try a simple bend test to tell whether or not the cookies are done.
Simply go ahead and pick one up with the help of a spatula or a tong and see if the cookie bends. If it bends to a point of breaking apart, it is likely undercooked, so it is better that you are keeping this in mind.
Now, this is not something that will always work, but you can always go for a toothpick test and see if your cookies are done. But what is a toothpick test?

This is a classic way to tell whether the cookies are done or not. Simply take a cookie and prick the center of the cookie, letting the toothpick go all the way in; if the toothpick comes out clean, it means that your cookies are done, and you do not have to worry about baking them more.
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- Why is my cookie dough sticky
- Why are my cookies cakey
- Cookies spread too much
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This is something that confuses a lot of people, but I am going to make it easier for you to understand. Chocolate cookies are normally done when the edges are done, and they have a firm edge, and they are slightly set on top.
It does take some time to figure this out the right way, but mostly the identifiers are the same, and you shouldn’t have any issues with it.
Sugar cookies might look complicated, but you would be surprised to know just how easy they are. If you are trying to figure it out, the simplest process that you should keep in mind is that sugar cookies are done when they are firmly set in place and lightly browned. Teaching them will result in no impression being set on the cookies.
If you are making butter cookies and you are trying to figure out whether they are done or not, you can follow all the same tips that we have given in this article, or alternatively, you can just look at the edges and the top of the cookies to tell if they are properly done or not. It is not complicated, to be honest, and that should give you a better understanding.
If you are looking at peanut butter cookies and figuring out a way to tell if they are done, they are usually cooked when you see the edges being lightly browned.

Now, it is worth noting that peanut butter, thanks to its color, can make the cookies appear brown, so you might have to closely inspect closer to figure it out. Check out the edges, and use the toothpick test.
Moving further, if you are looking to determine whether the Oreo cookies are done, then figuring it out is rather easy.
You just have to figure out the edges, and again, you can use the toothpick test, and that will always work, if the toothpick comes out clean, then that is your understanding that the cookies are completely done.
Final Verdict:
Baking cookies, or anything, for that matter, is no less than an art, and a lot of people, a lot of times, mess things up if you have been trying to figure out the right way to handle these things, then simply go through the list and look at all the suggestions that we have for you so you can have a better understanding about baking cookies the next time you are looking to try.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
If you have been baking them for 10 to 13 minutes, then the cookies are done for sure. However, you can always do a toothpick test, as well as look at whether the cookies are still glossy.
If you are looking to get the perfect result, then you should bake at 375 degrees F until golden and tender, 12 to 15 minutes
Yes, as a matter of fact, the toothpick test, in my opinion, works best for cookies as it is rather easy to tell whether they are properly cooked or not as compared to some of the other baking goods.
That depends. You can have cookies that are chewy, or you can have cookies that are crunchy. The choice is yours, and it is not something that is complicated.
It can be unsafe to eat if they are not cooked in the middle, and you can put them back in the oven for a couple of minutes.
I do understand that this is a common issue that most people face at the start, but you will slowly get better at this.